Our Story
12 years ago, I was an RN-turned-stay-at-home Mom. I was pregnant, and I had a toddler and 2 preschoolers. I was feeding my family the standard American diet. I had many gut issues and an out-of-control autoimmune disease. Some virus was always going around our house, and we were missing out on life.
One day, I came across the phrase “real food” - which led me to raw milk - and it changed everything for us!
The years you spend raising your family will go by so quickly. You blink and your infant went from a squishy baby curled up on your chest to a toothless 6-year-old, riding his bike without training wheels.
40% of children have a chronic illness. 60% of adults have one. Bill Gates and China are buying our farmland. You don’t have time to be sick. How do you stay healthy when you’re faced daily with toxins everywhere you turn, from corporations that don’t have your family’s best interest at heart?
We turned to local farms for the answer. Families that we could meet. Animals we could see.
The first change we made was to switch from that gross, bluish, 1% store milk to raw milk. The first time I drank raw milk, I was 37 weeks pregnant with our 4th child. My ankles and legs and hands were swollen - within 24 hours of having my first glass of raw milk, I lost 3 pounds of fluid!
In the following weeks, we had a very thin, anemic child whose hemoglobin went up 2 whole points. Another child had frequently complained of stomachaches and they just disappeared. We were so busy enjoying life, it wasn’t until weeks later that I realized no one had been sick lately!
Matt and I had both grown up on farms, and once we started visiting the farms we were buying from, we knew we had to go back to the land. It was calling. We knew we could help other families just like ours.
Today, none of my 7 children have chronic diseases. My Hashimoto’s is under control (antibodies have gone from 960 down to 8). I have experienced so much gut healing, that as long as I am mindful of quantities, I can eat any kind of food I want!
We are so thankful for what raw milk has done for our family’s health. Click on the Herdshare page to find out how we can do the same for you and your family!